20 November 2008

Gender Equality

What do these countries have in common?

1, Norway
2, Finland
3, Sweden
4, Iceland
5, New Zealand

They are the 5 nations that came out on top in a World Economic Forum study on the gender gap (hat tip: Lecturer notes). For a summary see the BBC website article

The study looked at economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, political empowerment, and health and survival of women.

It's good that New Zealand is up there. One of the positive things about the last 12 years of government is that children have grown up with an image that "of course a woman can be Prime Minister". Come to that, there were people voting in the last election who probably didn't remember a male Prime Minister.

That doesn't mean that New Zealand has got it perfect, and there's still room for improvement, particularly in business and on boards, but at least we're at the right end of the table. I suspect our MMP system has an effect - it's resulted in a markedly more diverse parliament than was the case (or would be likely) under FPP.

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