14 August 2011

Types of Presentations: the "good enough" or "compliance" presentation.

There are many different types of presentations.

Sometimes, "good enough" is good enough.  Sometimes all you want to do is to comply with accepted norms, read your presentation of the PowerPoint slides, look like you've prepared, sound like you know what you're talking about and  not be humiliated.

If you're part of a big organisation, corporate communications may supply you with a Master Title slide and a font.  If you're lucky they'll have designed it properly.  If you're particularly good you'll even manage to make sure that the font sizes are consistent, and overcome that default PowerPoint feature which reduces font size when you put too many words on the slide leaving your presentation jumping around.

If all you want to demonstrate is that you have (a) prepared for the meeting or event and (b) know some facts that you hope the audience wants to know, and (c) not humiliated yourself then you can count this as a "success".

But if you want to be memorable, if you want to connect with them, if you want to influence them to take bold action - then you may need to try a different approach. 

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